Perfume Shoppers Are Moving Away From Gender-Specific Scents

Away From Gender-Specific Scents

The old “rule” of citrus scents for summer and woody ones for winter is vanishing. In fact, even the traditional cologne-perfume divide is changing, with more high-end fragrances being made to appeal not only for every season but also every sex.

Women are not just purchasing products for their male partners, says Théo Spilka, global vice president of Firmenich International, the largest fragrance manufacturer in the world, “50 percent of people purchasing those products are wearing them on themselves as well.” As a result, “It’s not unusual for us to take an approach to men’s fragrance that will seem very attractive to women,” he continues.

These days, this means that ingredients offering freshness (vetiver, patchouli), aromatic (mint, rosemary, thyme), and woody (amber, sandalwood) elements are trending. Bonus points if they smell expensive, too.

Below are eight incredible scents, from popular new releases to enduring classics, that are very much of the now.

Michael Bissig

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Riecht nach Arvenwald & Seetang


Parfum der Woche: «Calma» von Odur